Friday, July 30, 2010

LOVE ,,the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired

                                        She just stole my heart .. Now i am here trying to express but words dosent seems to come that easily .my eyes have passed you many times but i never struck you till today ,, you were standing by there waiting for me to look but you never saw me , but you were glowing . i havent seen any one glowing like that , you r driving me crazy ,, i am so restless that i keep calling my friends for no reason .

                          i cant feel the surroundsing i cant feel the direction , icant feel any thing physically ,, now i am retyping the same page for the fourth time .nothing tat i do seems to do justice to you .. for the first time a girl have burned into my mind so hard that i cant really sleep ,, she seems to be so sweet .. but is this feeling some thing caused by lust , is this a simple feeling of simple attrictiveness of human nature??  OR  Is this feeling called LOVE ??

                           really i cant actually even think every were i look, i see her ,,   I think this is why the elderly say that LOVE is a DANGEROUS feeling , I think its the intimate feeling that you want some so badly that we get paranoid and cause all the trouble in the world .. well at least i am doing that ..


Thursday, July 29, 2010

THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE (1962) ..Why don't you pass the time with a game of solitaire?

                      To start with  I find this movie terribly overrated. I have to still recommend that you see it for the cultural relevance but don't expect a fast paced thrill ride because this one is a slow burn, with what in my opinion was a very much predictable ending. Don't however let that stop you. See this movie. Graphically interesting the film has a stylish look.

                      The minor flaws of this movie really do an injustice to the biting nature of the political commentary. I felt some of the acting was truly dreadful with Laurence Harvey's accent switching depending on the scene to seean was Annoying. Also, I understand it's a thriller and there are a lot of stressful situations but would people really sweat constantly? I suppose AC wasn't as widespread. I got the vibe that the set of this film must have smelled like someone's dirty gym locker . The amount of mustache twisting that went into the evil scientists plan was a caricature in itself and was I suppose, a symptom of the hysteria in that age. NO way would someone we are supposed to believe is a mastermind and is that intelligent would act like such a gloating jerk. At least don't expect me to take it seriously. I'm being a bit harsh and I realize a certain amount of disbelief suspension is needed but would the communists really underestimate their ring leader that much? I guess it's neither here nor there but at this point I could care less.

                         John Frankenheimer does inject some needed amount of masculinity into this film. The karate scene with the Korean operative however, made me laugh . While the scene was laughable it did mark the point where the film starts to turn and pick up speed. The film gets more taught after the initial groundwork is laid and if the directors had found a better way to edit the whole filim  I might have been even more into the film.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

INCEPTION ,, Take a leap of faith with me ..

INCEPTION is a film in which you want to go in knowing nothing because it's best seen with no prior knowledge. So I'm just going to not say a word about the plot and have the film unfold in front of you, sometimes literally. It's pretty difficult to explain what INCEPTION really is because it's damn packed with so many interesting ideas. Really, when you come out of the theater, you'll only think, "What did I just see?" The film is filled with so much ambition and so many original ideas that it captivates you. In fact, I think this is the fastest 150 minute film I've ever seen because it felt like 80 minutes! I really wanted to see more when the credits rolled.

Unfortunately, INCEPTION isn't a perfect film. It falls short on its ambition. Some ideas weren't as developed as I hope they would be and others weren't presented clear enough. In fact, it's as if the characters spoke in another type of jargon exclusively made for psychologists pursuing in the career of dreams. Also, the story isn't all that special. Another common complaint you might hear about the film is that the characters are flat. It's true. The film presents us with six or seven characters but does absolutely nothing with them. Leonardo DiCaprio's character is the only character that's fleshed out. In some cases, I didn't care for the characters when their lives were at stake.

Still, the performances by the ensemble cast are really good. I enjoyed Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, and Tom Hardy in their roles a lot. I might not be the only person to notice this but I thought Leonardo DiCaprio played the exact same character as he did in SHUTTER ISLAND. I couldn't get past Ken Watanabe's thick accent. It was hard to understand him in many of his scenes. Marion Cotillard did a great job, though.

The film is also visually intricate, if that makes sense and even that description doesn't give the film justice. Again, it's really hard to explain. The visual effects were really excellent along with the action scenes but don't expect this film to be filled with action. The soundtrack by Hans Zimmer (AKA: One of the best composers ever) is fantastic, much like Zimmer's other soundtracks.

Overall, INCEPTION is a flawed but seriously excellent film that presents some very, very, very interesting ideas. It's a wholly original film, which is great considering the amount of remakes, re-imaginings, sequels, prequels, etc. that we've gotten in the past few years, let alone this year. The characters could have been fleshed out a lot more. Still, I was absolutely engaged throughout by the story, and Christopher Nolan's ingenious script and direction just sucks you in. This is the perfect cure for this year's lacking for films ..